Meet the Team

Laura Dill


Laura Dill is the founder of Slay Society, Inc. Her journey began when she became a caregiver for both her mother and her father within months of each other, who both battled Glioblastoma. Laura recognized the immense challenges caregivers face and the need for support. Through her experiences, she was inspired to establish Slay Society, Inc. with a mission to financially support families facing Glioblastoma and write her debut memoir ‘Daughter.’

Kerri Swail-Born

Secretary Treasurer

Kerri lost her mother to GBM in 2005. She was not her primary caregiver as her mother refused to let her put her life on hold, even as hers was ending. Kerri watched from a distance the toll it took on her father and brother who played the role of caregiver. It has weighed on her ever since. She always had this feeling like she needed to make up for that. After hearing Laura’s story, she decided that getting involved in Slay would be the perfect way for her to ‘pay it forward’ in her mother’s honor.

Alexis George

Vice President of Fundraising

Alexis lost her father to GBM in November 2022. She took on many foles during his illness, including that of caregiver. After he passed she felt she needed to help others who were walking a similar journey but didn’t know what to do. A months later she found out that her childhood friend Laura had lost both her parents to GBM and had started Slay Society, a charity Alexis knew she ahd to get involved with. Through Slay Society, Alexis hopes to make the diagnosis and treatment of GBM easier on other families and hopes others can benefit from the experience she gained as she comforted her loved one to the end.

Shannon Finnigan

Director of Fundraising

Shannon met Laura through a mutual friend who had told her about Laura’s story. Right then and there Shannon knew she wanted to help in any way that she could. Fast forward 4 or 5 years later and she has an incredible friend, Laura, who she looks up to for strength and resilience. Shannon has been volunteering for Slay’s annual Plantopia event for the last few years and knew she wanted to be more involved.

Andy Lieffort

Director of Donor Relations & Grief Support Group Facilitator

Andy found Slay while providing care for his wife Michelle who was diagnosed in July of 2021. She had two tumors removed and did a few rounds of chemotherapy and radiation. Unfortunately, her type was very aggressive and tumors kept growing. She showed Andy and all who loved her how to embrace life, find joy in every moment and opportunity. After Michelle passed, Andy needed to find purpose from the journey and found his way to helping Laura facilitate the Grief Support Group. Andy has his certification in Grief Education from by renowned Grief Expert, David Kessler.

Jessica Carlson

Marketing Coordinator

The moment Jessica’s father was diagnosed with Glioblastoma in 2023,  she quickly realized the lack of resources for GBM patients and caregivers alike. Not only did her family feel lost, the reality of their new normal was setting in. Jessica met Laura during a support group in December 2023. They soon bonded over their shared experiences. By no coincidence, Jessica shares her birthday with Laura’s late father, Gerry, and our annual Slay Day event. She is excited to provide her marketing expertise to help grow the Slay Society brand and overall organization. Jessica hopes that no caregiver ever feels alone, and finds both knowledge & comfort through Slay Society’s advocacy work.

Dylan Black

Honorary Media Member

Dylan knows the horrific pain of losing a parent. In fact, he knows the pain of losing two. He lost both of his parents close together. His father in August of 2019 and his mother in March of 202. Just like Laura did. Dylan loves what Slay stands for and how an amazing community has been created through grief. He is very proud to be continuing to help Slay any way he can.

Laurie Tucker

Volunteer Team Member

Laurie is a personal injury and long term disability lawyer in Ottawa. She came to Slay Society after hearing the CBC news story about Laura and this amazing charity she started. Laurie’s father died from GBM in April of 2013. Since then, Laurie has been looking for the right opportunity to help GBM patients and their caregivers so she was really happy to hear about Slay Society and all the great work they have been doing.